Friday, May 6, 2011

Glacier Bay Artist Statement

The design of the websites is to be scenic, adventurous, and outdoor activities for tourist. The process of the design was centered around photo images of the park.
For the scenic layout, I wanted to pick an image with a very scenic image at Glacier Park. I wanted to design the image to make you feel elegant and a very peaceful scenic park. The object of the site is to have you feel relaxed and peaceful at Glacier Park.
For the  adventurous layout, I wanted to pick an image with the glaciers. I wanted to design the image to feel like you are at Glacier Park discovering and exploring. The object of the site to have an adventurous feel at Glacier Park.
For the outdoor activities, I wanted to pick an image with some sort of outdoor activity at Glacier Park. I picked an image with a person kayaking at a river, with the mountain at the background. I wanted to design a theme, so that the tourist know that you can do many outdoor activities at Glacier Park, like kayaking.
I think what works with my design is incorporating photo images of Glacier Park with colors similar in the photos. By choosing similar colors in the images, it made it successful with the overall design process.


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