Thursday, May 19, 2011

Glacier Bay Creative Brief

The purpose of the website to inform visitors of the different scenic activities at Glacier Bay.

Park Home: Introduction of Glacier Bay with a scenic view of the park.
Photos: photos taken at the park
History and Culture: Description of history and culture at the park.
Nature and Science: Plants and animals at the park.

Audience:  adventures

Perception/Tone: outgoing

Friday, May 6, 2011

Glacier Bay Artist Statement

The design of the websites is to be scenic, adventurous, and outdoor activities for tourist. The process of the design was centered around photo images of the park.
For the scenic layout, I wanted to pick an image with a very scenic image at Glacier Park. I wanted to design the image to make you feel elegant and a very peaceful scenic park. The object of the site is to have you feel relaxed and peaceful at Glacier Park.
For the  adventurous layout, I wanted to pick an image with the glaciers. I wanted to design the image to feel like you are at Glacier Park discovering and exploring. The object of the site to have an adventurous feel at Glacier Park.
For the outdoor activities, I wanted to pick an image with some sort of outdoor activity at Glacier Park. I picked an image with a person kayaking at a river, with the mountain at the background. I wanted to design a theme, so that the tourist know that you can do many outdoor activities at Glacier Park, like kayaking.
I think what works with my design is incorporating photo images of Glacier Park with colors similar in the photos. By choosing similar colors in the images, it made it successful with the overall design process.


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Layouts Creative brief:

Glacier Bay: 
The design of the websites is to be adventures, scenic, and tourist information site. The design process is centered with photo images of the park. The primary users will be adventurers, activities, and informative tourist site.

Andy Warhol Artist Statement

I decided with the Warhol banner with the image of himself placed on the right of the banner. I decided with these designs because it complements his overall design concept. With the different colors and the repetitive patterns he uses on his artworks. The repetitive colors and patterns I used through the banner compliments his overall design on many of his works.  



Saturday, April 16, 2011

IMD 130

FINALLY finish my first animation. Once I learn how to post it. I'll add an attachment.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

IMD 105 Andy Warhol Banner Thumnails

IMD 105 Andy Warhol Proposal

Andy Warhol was an American painter, printmaker and filmmaker who was a leading figure in the visual art movement know as pop art. I’m going to focus on the period from 1950’s-1960’s.  Some of his famous works are, Campbell's Soup Cans and Coca Cola bottles, Marilyn Monroe, and Elvis  Presley "Eight Elvises".
I’m going to design the banner by representing his style of bright; vibrant colors and designing it like a grid system, similar to Warhol’s repetitive style on some of his artworks.  Images I’m going to use: Campbell's Soup Cans ,Coca-Cola bottles,  Elvis, Marilyn, Micky Mouse, Flowers, Jackie, Red Race Riot, Goethe, etc.
Image size:  980 pixel by 400 pixel

IMD 100

Going to be creating Bike-Hike Potomac for my project proposal.

Friday, April 8, 2011

What are your 3 favorite websites?

I like this website because of the content. White is the main background color for all the pages. The larger images have the newest articles. The main titles are in a larger font and in bold type. The header is at the top of all the pages, with the Washington Post logo on the left. The design is very simple. Overall the color scheme is white and black. It's designed to be like a newspaper. The grid structure is 1/3 navigation and 2/3 content. From a design standpoint, it's very busy with advertisements, but fairly good as a news media site.

I like this website because of the variety of videos to view, and it is a unique learning tool. White is the main background color for all the pages. The images are snap shots of the the videos to be viewed. The font type is all the same and very small. There is no header design, just the YouTube logo with the search site. Overall the color scheme is black, white and blue text.  The site is made only to view uploaded videos. As a designer, the site is very boring. There is no design thought to the site.

I like the this website because of the sports news. The background colors change for each site and with each different sports theme. The typography is all in the same font and very easy to read. The header design changes on each page with the different sports themes. Overall color scheme is very colorful and intriguing for each site. The website is targeting sports fanatics who are looking for up-to-date scores and news. The site is designed into zones with the highest priority and most graphics at the top. There are videos at the top of each site and placed to be viewed first, which compliments the article. As a designer, the site is very well designed.